My name is Abel Evertz. I life in Roden in The Netherlands. I'm the bassplayer of The Tumblin' go go's. In that band I play an lefthanded Strunal 3/4" doublebass. And I play a lot at my lefthanded Fender P-bass (USA standard). I also own a lefthanded Eastwood Classic 4 bass. My amps are the Hartke HA3500 and Hartke HA5500. placed upon a Hartke 215XL basscabinet and a 2.5XL basscabinet. |
Strunal 3/4" doublebass Fender Precision USA Standard Eastwood Classic 4 bass |
Hartke HA3500 Hartke HA5500 Hartke 215XL 2.5XL basscabinets |