Bart Straathof


Band: MegaPixel


Ter Apel / The Netherlands


I was born on the 6th of November 1985
I started playing bass when I was 20. I started with a lefthand Yamaha BB414L, a very nice bass to start with. I also bought a Warwick Blue Cab combo to practice. My friends invited me to start as the bassplayer in their band, Bad Silence. I traded in my Warwick combo for a Yamaha BBT500H and a secondhand Eden D210XLT.
After a year I sold my Yamaha bass and I bought a Cort Artisan B4LH. The Eden cab was replaced by a Yamaha BBT210S cab. In December 2007 I left Bad Silence, together with a few of my bandmates. We started a new band called MegaPixel.
I was never completely satisfied with my gear, so in 2008 I switched several times to other brands. I had an Ampeg SVP-CL preamp with a Crown XTI1000 in two Ampeg SVT12HE cabs, but that wasn't the sound I was looking for. I sold the Ampeg cabs and replaced them with a Genz Benz NeoX-212T. That was the cab I was looking for. When I got the chance to buy a Genz Benz Shuttle 6.0, I sold my amps and bought the Shuttle to complete my Genz Benz set. This stack suits my needs and I'm very pleased with this setup. In November 2008 I got my Sandberg California JM4, the bass I wanted since I was playing bass.
So, at this moment I'm satisfied with my gear. I'm ready to play around for a few years. I'm improving my skills and I'm having fun playing in my band, so I guess I will be hanging out in 'bassland' for a while...

Sandberg California JM4

Genz Benz Shuttle 6.0
Genz Benz NeoX-212T