Hi, I am female, 34 and live in Bath, UK. I first took up the bass when I lived
in Australia but didn't learn much. I played bad thrash metal and was persuaded to
give up by a domineering boyfriend. Many times over the next decade I regretted that
and one day was idly looking through a loaned copy of Bassist magazine (RIP). Next
thing I knew I was on the phone with my credit card out and had bought a secondhand
Washburn Status (The only way a lefty can get the classic Status shape). This time
I am learning properly and loving it. I have also bought an old Westone Thunder 1A
and had a gorgeous bass custom made ( which I'm still paying for! ). This is an Iceni
Zoot S4 with a huge humbucker and 3 band EQ. My amp is a Trace Elliot AH150SMC head
and 15" cab. It sounds lush.
I have been playing 18 months now and for the last 7 have been playing in a Frome based
punk/pop band called The Dog's Pencil (don't ask). We do our own material and covers
by Sex Pistols, Green Day, Lit, Blink 182, The Cult, and RHCP. We have played open
stage nights and are ready for our first gig. I still love horrible thrash metal, as
well as goth, punk, industrial, electro and 80's.
Now I will tell you about my best bass......it's an Iceni Zoot S4. I got a custom
bass rather than compromise because what I wanted wasn't made in L/H. It's unique,
the only lefty Mike has made with this pickup configuration and the only bass he has
stained the neck to match the body. It has a single Bartolini MM pickup, active/passive
switch and 3 band active EQ ( + currently passive tone, but might change that for a
coil tap ). The low end this will push out is amazing. This bass is a big fat funk
monster and cuts through 2 guitars with ease. It's designed for slap with lots of string
clearance over the body but sounds great however you play it. I had it this colour
because I love the look of dark wood, it's a transparent stain so the grain shows and
I had the neck done to match so the whole design ties together and sets off the hardware.
I got a Hiscox hard case as well and the price was £1000. |