Hi, my name is Jamie Floate and i am a lefty bass player from the South-East of England. I started playing bass about 12 years ago when i had the opportunity to join a signed British alternative metal band called earthtone9, so i switched to bass from guitar (which i had been playing for about 8 years before that). I still play guitar in another band although i am most busy playing bass in my current band Liquid Jacket. We are a covers band and we play all kinds of music from Van Halen to Stevie Wonder, Ted Nugent to Jamiroquai, basically we are a party rock band, so imagine a jukebox at a party, those are the songs we like to play! I play with a pick (ex-guitarist syndrome!!) but am currently learning fingerstyle and slap. Until recently i have been mainly playing a 6 string bass, although i started on a 4 string, but this week my new 5 string arrived and i love it! My bass setup is pretty simple, i use the KISS method (Keep It Simple, Stupid!) so i run into my Zoom B3 in the front end, into a cheap Behringer dual compressor, i have one channel on slow release feeding into the second channel on a faster release, which then feeds my old Trace Elliot AH300 amp head and my Trace 4x10 cab. I only use the Zoom for tuning and FX on a couple of songs (like the synth-bass intro to Deeper Underground by Jamiroquai), and i generally don't touch my sound at gigs, only the volume. Once i find a sound i like i tend to stick with it and just alter my picking dynamic to get different tones for different songs (like a more gentle approach for James Brown's 'It's a man's man's world'). I upgraded the pickups in 2 of my basses, i like to do this sort
of job myself, although wiring isn't my favourite hobby! It is amazing how good a cheap
bass with good pickups can sound!!! |
Yamaha TRB1005L Yamaha BBN4L (x2!) Brice HXB406L (6 strings upgraded with EMG DC bridge position EMG CS neck position) SX 5 string fretless Vintage Stingray copy (upgraded with Seymour Duncan Alnico classic
MM pickup) |
Trace Elliot AH300 (rackmounted) Trace Elliot 4x10 cab (both original '80s models) Outboard: Behringer MDX1200 compressor, Zoom B3 multi effects |