I play a Custom bass I designed myself, I really liked the ernie ball basses, but they were too expensive to buy lefty($1400). So I bought the neck and body from Warmoth Guitars and had a friend of mine put it together for me. As for other equiptment I use, Ampeg SVT 350 head, Ampeg SVT classic half stack. I also have an ernie ball wah pedal, and an electro-harmonics bass synth. Yeah, I play in a band, Who Stands?. We have a three song demo out right now, and we are working on finishing our first album right now, hopefully it will be out in June. I started playing bass two years ago, from scratch. My friends wanted to start a band and couldn't find a bass player, so I picked it up. |
Warmoth Bass Guitar |
Ampeg SVT350 head, SVT410HLF cab |
Electroharmonics bass synth |
Ernie Ball volume pedal |
Bass wah, monster cables |