My name is Jules Meuffels and I was born in Sittard, The Netherlands,
July 26th 1977. Former bands: Predefine, Forza, Los Leipos, Red Hot Chili Neppers,
Fab Fudge, Nocando, C-Moon, Other occupations: Freelance housepainter. Great Influences: Flea, Jaco Pastorius, Francis Rocco Prestia, Dug
Pinnick. |
Mark Bass - Little Mark 1 (special edition red) Paul Lenders Custom Cabinet 12" (JBL 2206H, 600Watt) "Koch Bass Cabinet 1x15" + 4x10"" "Planet Waves CT-04" "GHS Boomers Bass Strings 5L-DYB (40-120)" |