Pizza, Bass and Fun


"No Milk This Day!"

A meeting with Karl Green (Herman´s Hermits) London May 1st, 2010

Long time ago I received a message from Karl Green and I couldn´t believe it. Karl Green? I only know one left-handed bass player with that name. The bassist of my favorite former group, of which I had bought one of my first LPs: Herman's Hermits. And, in fact - he was it!

Karl lives near London and so it took only a few emails (time and location), until we had an appointment.
Karl Green is a very sympathetic bassist, jJust like all left-handers are! Friendly, honest and modest. It was a pleasure for us to learn things from the old days. So, for example, that "The Who" were the opening band "Herman's Hermits" were, and they accompanied on a worldwide tour.

He told us from the tours and the following parties during that time. He knows and knew them all. Even the tragedies of others, from which he has learned his lessons.
But not only the past was present. No, because Karl Green is still big in the music business actively. And he knows the London music scene by activity of his own band and sound engeneering for others. It obviously makes him fun to make gigs all over. Also in the ski holiday in France, he regularly spends with musicians and there they give spontaneous concerts. I don´t know if I´m still so active with 63!

For the young bass players among us : video of
Herman's Hermits

Karl Green (Herman´s Hermits)

We thank Karl for this unforgettable Saturday in London! Keep in touch!
(The meeting was held, where else (?), at the Abbey Road / London.)

The man on bass of Herman´s Hermits

Three Lefties!

Ulli Goldbecker (Guitar player of Mixed Society), Karl Green, Arni


Karl sign the pickguard of my autograph bass

Autograph with "Herman"


Talking about bass and music!



I think you know where this is!

What for a history place!

The legendary Abbey Road Studios!

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