I found your website after talking to a menber of that in June of this year, Klaus Werner Holz, another brazilian. I bought my jazz bass from him at this time, a good bass made by a luthier here, called Seizi Tagima in 1991. I was born in 1984 and started playing bass when I was 14 years old. Here in Brazil is very difficult to have a good left bass, so I started with a normal one adapted ( I had a Yamaha Atitude and a Ibanez SDGR, both right handed). I bought my first left handed 3 years ago, the semi-acustic one, a Strimberg BA350. Then,I bought the 5 strings Alembic Epic, made in 1996 and, after 1 year, Ii bought the Warwick Corvette made in 1997. The last one was the Tagima jazz bass. About equipment, I´ve got just a Staner BS120, but I want to buy a better amplifier. Playing the bass is not my job, because here is very difficult to get money with this, but ... how can I put this ... it´s a 'passion' for me, I love to play the bass, to know people who do this, and to know each information about this instrument. Now, I´m 23 and I want to have some classic instruments like Fender Precision and Jazz Bass, Musicman Sting Ray, Rickenbacker, but I´m studing now and in a few years, I think I´ll have the possibility to do this. I like to play Hard Rock, Grunge, Blues, Soul/Funk, SKA and Bossa Nova. My influence started in the 70´s with the good rock´n roll, soul music and SKA, but I have good ones in the 80´s and 90´s, with the same styles. I have a band with friends, we are not playing for public at this time, but we´re preparing something very good with different styles.
Ampeg BA115 Warwick Sweet 25.2 |