Philippe Ciron



Roanne, France


Hello Arni,

thank you & congratulations for your lefties web pages !

Born in 1967.

Playing bass since my teens

Influence : every good rock or pop bassist that put a bit soul & heart in his bass line

James Jamerson of course, Paul Mac Cartney, Ewen Vernal, Carol Coleman,
Neil Corcoran and Dave Pahoa (lefthand bassist of the greateast rock band ever : The Plimsouls !)

Currently playing on a beautiful OLP Stingray with a flamed table &
toirtoise pickguard (see attached file), I'm looking for a second bass: Precision or JB

I play on an old Laney 120 and a old Vox tube 50W.

Olp Stingray 4strings with flammed top

Challenge Jazz Bass (turned to a Fender)

Fender Jazz Bass Mexico 2003 special edition

OLP Stingray (MM2) black

old Laney 120 amp

old Vox tube 50W