Originally from the New York area started playing Bass 1974, taking some time off to do my stint in the military (sucked)1st Bass was a sunburst Cameo my parents got me, man, the neck was so warped ,you could shoot arrow's from the strings, But ,it was great for strenthing my finger's,next up was my Black Hagstromm swedeII,which I learned most of my Hendrix,pink floyd,and Mahavishnu orchestra stuff on, unfortunitly I did my impersonation of Pete Townsend on it the day before I left for the Marines,upon my Discharge I wen't straight to Manny's on 47th st. in New york and bought a wine coloured Gibson which had great, action and an Awsome nasty, punchy sound. I played that with the Mike Pullman band until it got ripped off,I was so bummed out, that I stopped playing for about 2 years, but you can't keep a good Bassist down,so one day out of the blue I just wen't out and bought a righty Steinberger stick bassnever changing the strings, I relearned everything upside down,after I had mastered everything I had learned upside down I bought a great all Black Ibanez Sr800 Lefty and started playing both way's,this led to some confusion so I gave up the upside down playing thing,that was about the time I played with Starkweather (great all original's} but I wanted to get back into jazz rock fusion, I moved to Arkansas and found the Axe I alway's wanted a 62 reissue lefty Sunburst J-Bass, the action isn't as good as the SR800, But the Bottom end sound is Awsome,so if any of you fusion. Guitarist's around Little Rock or Memphis read this, LET'S JAM. Thanks for letting me bore you...Thankfully my |
62 Fender reissue lefty Sunburst Jazz-Bass |
Black Ibanez Sr 800 Lefty |
Hofner 500/1SL Beatle Bass |
400 watt Peavy Megabass amp |