Andrei Gorodetsky

Bands: VIA Underwater

St. Petersburg, Russia

Hello Arni

I'm glad to attend this site! It helped me to find my instrument and helps to stay in touch with other lefty bass players. I read it regularly.

Best regards,

I'm a lefthanded bassist currently residing in London.

I'm 42 and I play bass for the good 25 years! My first bass was made by myself out of some guitar parts that I found at my friends' closet.

I used to be a part of several bands in my home city of St. Petersburg, quite some time ago, and I used to stay a part of one of them tilll the year 2020. I’m quite open to online work and taking part in a band in London these days.

Some of my music can be heard in this playlist:

Now my main instrument is MusicMan StingRay 5 and I am hoping to find a Stingray 5 fretless in addition to the one I have (found on this website in 2005!) .

MusicMan StingRay 5

EBS Valve Drive