I play in three bands in the Reading area of the UK at the moment: Pengamok,
Ludwig Van and a new band with the provisional title of Dong. I have recently started
playing live on a more regular basis and am having a great time doing so.
I'm 18 years old and have played bass for over 4 years now, learning a few different
styles. I try to play with a pick, my fingers and slap equally, and try to play as
many strange chords on the bass as possible.
At the moment I play an Aria Pro II Integra through an SWR Workingman's 80Watt 1x10,
with a Boss Bass Overdrive, Morley Bass Wah and Electro Harmonix Bassballs for a bit
of fun.
I pour all my money into playing bass so I hope to have a rig bigger than my bedroom
in less than a year.