Paul Di Leo
If you check out Pauls website, you will see the names of some very famous musicians, which Paul was playing with. Please check out. When I was bussy with my second lefty CD project, Paul told me to be intrested to take part on it. He was just recording a CD with Nena, here in Germany. Nena is a famous singer, started her career in the eighties. But when the deadline of the lefty CD was comming, Nena´s CD wasn´t finnished. Paul like to be with a track on the 3rd lefty bass player CD, if I start such a great project again. This year, Paul was on tour with Nena. I met him at Oktober 10th, 2002, in Herford / Germany. We talked about Paul´s plannings for this year. Paul Di Leo was very intrested in these things: The lefty bassplayer CD and my autograph bass. I had to explain all the autograph´s on this bass. He was astonished about these lefties I met before. It was preasure for me to meet the members of the Nena Band. Paul invited me to see the concert this night. It was amazing! Paul´s bass playing is a show. If you have to chance to see him, do it. |
It was a great peasure to meet one of the bussiest lefty bassplayer from the USA. |
Nena and Band Kick / Herford Germany |
Paul was very intrested in all the signs on this autograph bass. |
Paul signs the bass. |
Paul´s coustom made Stuart Spector 5string bass. |
He was very intrested in our lefty bassplayer CD. |
The members of the "Nena"-Band |
I think you can see, how much |
Paul Di Leo life on stage. |
fun Paul had with this bass. |
The effect board: SansAmp Bass Driver DI |
Paul´s life stack: Ampeg SVT Classik Amp and Ampeg SVT 810 cab |