Secondhand-Offer Auf meiner Suche nach Linkshänder-Bässen bin ich auf folgende Angebote in den USA und in Deutschland gestoßen. Ihre Aktualität müßt Ihr überprüfen! |
Warwick Lefthand Fortress 5-Saiter zu verkaufen, ca. 6 Jahre alt, als VB habe ich mir 1.400 DM vorgestellt. Er wurde von mir nur 3/4-Jahr regelmäßig (bandmäßig) bespielt, seitdem steht er mehr oder weniger rum. E-Mail: a.kreuzer@gmx.net 02/2001 |
JIMMY HASLIPS MTD LEFTY 635 ! Green-Stained Corina body/wenge neck. This bass was custom made several years ago for Jimmy Haslip whos been using Tobias basses for years. The body wood/neck was chosen as a good combination for a fretless bass. After completion, Jimmy decided to have another one built with different wood as his fretless and swapped it back to Mike Tobias. Mike fretted the bass and loaned to a left-handed friend. It is now up for sale at Bass Central. The headstock has a $400 custom Yellow Jacket Inlay. This unique bass would retail for $5400 and is selling for $3000, delivered to your door via 2-Day Air! One-Of-A-Kind!! http://www.basscentral.com/frame.html 02/2001 |
Lefty Steinberger XL2 bass 01/2001 |
Ibanez Roadstar II bass from the 1980s for sale. I'm asking $150 for it.
It includes a hard-shell case. It's a P-bass copy. Single passive pickups. Black with
white pick guard. It's in good shape too. 01/2001 |
1993 Hofner reissue "Beatle Bass" LEFTY!: Just like the one made famous by Sir Paul McCartney of the legendary Beatles! Also of the Quarrymen, Silver Beetles, Wings, and more! We just got this beauty in with hardcase. Photo's to come very soon! $1,295. http://www.buffalobrosguitars.com/basses.htm 01/2001 |
Yamaha RBX-260 L Black Lefthand 499,-DM http://www.musik-service.de/bsPrInstrumente.htm 11/2000 |
Hohner PJ-4 Lefthand s/h 300,- D http://www.musik-service.de/bsPrInstrumente.htm 11/2000 |
Rickenbacker RI-4001 Vintage Bass LH http://www.musik-service.de/bsPrInstrumente.htm 11/2000 |
Bassline 5-Saiter Buster Bolt-on Lefti Verkaufe meinen Custom-made-Bass / Marke Bassline. Einzelanfertigung und Zustand sehr,sehr gepflegt. Hab ihn 3 Jahre gespielt, toller Klang, Bartollini Pickups, Farbe Holz transparent Orange-Honig, NP 3200.-, VP ca. 1900.- Achtung : Wohne in der Schweiz (Bern) E-Mail: marco.mazotti@freesurf.ch 10/2000 |
WAL 4-Saiter, fretless,
09/2000 |
WAL 4-Saiter, bundiert,
09/2000 |
Magnus Krempel Akustik Bass 5-Saiter fretless (liniert) Baujahr: Ende 1997 (3000,--DM) Mahagoni-Hals; Palisander-Korpus, Preis: 1500,--DM Arni ArniBi@gmx.net 07/2000 |
Wahnsinn!!!! |
Nicht unbedingt ein Gebrauchtangebot, aber eine gigantische Auswahl an Linkshänder Gitarren und Bässen wird zur Zeit von der Firma No. 1 / Hamburg angeboten!!!!!! Diese Ausstellung wird nur in der Zeit vom 26.06. - 26.08.00 stattfinden. |
FOR SALE: Lefty Basses on Sale 06/2000 |
5002.RICKENBACKER 4001 "Lefty" "Fretless",1976, original Jetglo (black) finish, super rare lefthanded fretless,exc;bag..$900. THE GUITAR BROKER 06/2000 |
5860.JAZZ Bass "Lefty",1966,another crazy cool factory lefthanded Jazz Bass, orig.Olympic White finish,matching headstock,bound/block inlayed neck,this JB is also NEAR MINT!,it is a gorgeous eggshell color,holy moly!,ohsc. $6500. THE GUITAR BROKER |
5373.PRECISION Bass, 1997 lefty,sunburst,rosewood neck,near mint;hsc..$525. THE GUITAR BROKER |
FENDER CUSTOM SHOP '62 P BASS REISSUE, BLACK W/ MATCHING HEADSTOCK sale $1899 http://www.southpaw.net/Inventory/Bass_Guitars/bass_guitars.html 03/2000 |
FENDER JAZZ BASS, 1977, NATURAL FINISH FRETLESS MAPLE NECK, VGC, HSC sale $1499 http://www.southpaw.net/Inventory/Bass_Guitars/bass_guitars.html 03/2000 |
Michael Dolan Custom Bass (build for Boisy Smith) It is a customed made Michael Dolan, 5 String Bass, Bartolini active
pick-ups, made of Spalded Maple, mint condition. The price is $3,000 with case. Gesendet von: BBVGS1@aol.com 2/2000 |
RICKENBACKER 3001 2/2000 |
Fender 1971 Precision 2/2000 |
G & L L-2000 Beschreibung: G&L L-2000 Lefty 80s very good cond., case. $500 Gefunden bei: http://www.basscentral.com/frame.html 1/2000 |
Rickenbacker 4003 LH Beschreibung: RICKENBACKER 4003 LH (1999) Gefunden bei: http://www.elderly.com/vintage/LEFTY.htm 1/2000 |
FOR SALE: Lefty 1978 Fender Jazz Bass |
Rickenbacker4003S, 5 string Lefty, Jet Glo, with case, Retail $1,774.00 US. 1/2000 |
Rickenbacker 4003S, 8 string, Maple Glo, Lefty, $2,044.00 US. 1/2000 |