Secondhand-Offer Auf meiner Suche nach Linkshänder-Bässen bin ich auf folgende Angebote in den USA und in Deutschland gestoßen. Ihre Aktualität müßt Ihr überprüfen! Sorry, but I can´t proof if these offers are up to date! . |
Musicman Stingray (of course leftie!!) 04/2005 |
Washburn XB-400
Contact: Uwe Schroeter / Germany 03/2005 |
Bass Collection SB325. It's active. I'm selling it because i want Price: 800 Olaf Reijnders / Netherlands
Sonic Designs SD-5L De Luxe (with Sonic Designs lightweight case) these are the specifations for the Sonic Designs bass: serialnumber SD5L-0001, it's the only one asking price: 600 Euro (OR TRADE WITH A GOOD LEFTY 4-STRING) Sean / Belgium 02/2004 |
Washburn xb120 series bass alder body red quilted 300 euros plus shipping will ship worldwide. Kings / Ireland 02/2005 |
Kramer Baretta series 5 string alder body passive 350 euros plus Kings / Ireland 02/2005 |
Kramer Striker series 5 string fretless with lines 350 euros plus shipping will ship Kings / Ireland 02/2005 |
Fender precision - 78" serialnr: s846724 02/2005 |
OLP Stingray Lefty Lefthanded Model Andreas Pohl / Germany 01/2005 |
Rob Swanson / USA 01/2005 |
Neubauer 12 String Touch Style Bass Lefthand
Das Instrument mit Gigbag hat 2100 und der Holzständer 200 gekostet. Beides zusammen verkaufe ich mit gigbag für 990 euro Contact: andremu / Austria 01/2005 |
E-Bass Leduc Masterpeace MP6 Lefthand; Linkshänder 6 Saiter Bass. Contact: andremu / Austria 01/2005 |
LEFTY Exotic Wood Upright Bass Tailpiece Jack (USA) 12/2004 |
LEFTY Westone Thunder One Bas exc, needs new tuners Jack (USA) 12/2004 |