Secondhand-Offer Hier könnt ihr euren Linkshänder-Bass anbieten. Einfach eine Email mit Foto und Beschreibung senden. Ich werde ihn umgehend in das Internet stellen (kostenlos natürlich). Für die Aktualität der Angebote kann ich nicht garantieren. If you like to offer your lefthand bass, please feel free to send me a email with pic and discription. I will publish it asap (for free of course). Sorry, but I can´t proof if these offers are up to date! .. |
MTD 535 American Lefty Bass Serial #: 000666 (it had to be a lefty) |
original 1978 Fender P-bass fretless in sunburst it comes with a ritter bag I would like to ask 1400 euro (+ shipping from belgium) contact: mdcb_mdcb@hotmail.com (Sorry guys, I know it´s a righ handed bass. But it belongs to a very kind lefty!) 12/2007 |
Warwick Thumb Bass, 6-String, Neck-Thru, Bubinga Body, 7 piece laminated 24 fret neck, 34• scale, Basslines
soapbar pickups, 18-volt active system with passive pull switch, Straplock system.
This is a great bass with a wonderful solo voice. Bill Morgan (USA): mmorgan_1973@yahoo.com 12/2007 |
Yamaha TRB5IIL – Near mint condition. Nicely figured solid ash body finished in amberburst,
24 fret neck with 35• scale, manufacturer’s soapbar pickups, 9-volt active
system, gold hardware. 12/2007 |
very rare !!! TUNE NTB4 bassmaniac
850 euros + shipping (comes with gig bag)
RavenWest Bass RB 6000 6 strings in good condition. 12/2007 |
Greg Bennett SAMICK KB5 6690 FL lefty more infos: hyperscreen@yahoo.fr (France) 12/2007 |
Tobias (Toby Pro) 5 Neck-Thru 5 piece wenge/maple neck
contact: timlee@kmc-ag.org 12/2007 |