Feb., 04th 2009
2009! Time is just flying by!
I can remember, how I was sat at my desk in Dezember 1999, trying to create a website
for the first time. That was 10 years ago!!!
10 years - that is a good reason to thank you for your interest and support.
10 years is a very long time for a privatly run website and with your help and support
we will probably stay online for another dekade.
years of www.leftybass.com
Adrian Maruszczyk knows and understands the
different issues for lefthand-bassplayers very well and he documents that, by creating
the Maruszyck Elwood 4P for us. He donated this wonderful lefthand-bass for a prize
draw on www.leftbass.com, in which all members/readers can take part in.
Also a big thanks to CMS Music Equipment
to allocate a 350 watt TeckAmp bass amp and
Clover Basses for sponsering 4 set´s
of Repair and Polish
Bassculture for supporting us with a set
of Jazz Bass pickups (stacked humbuckers)
and the Schoots Group for dressed to kill lefty
bassplayer T-shirts!
Even after 10 years further Bassplayers find their way to
your website. I would kindly like to welcome:
Stefanie Weidner / Germany
Marc Bergeron / USA
Bart Straathof / Netherlands
Theodore R.
Wysinger Jr. / USA
Almir Neri / Brasil
Christian Moser / Austria
John Kestens / Belgium
Brian Franks / New Zealand
Mike Bub / USA
Here are some updates of personal websites:
Bart Bruno / USA
Gérald Lopez /
Ken Miller / USA
Jacky Grandjean / France
Paulo Canassa / Brasi
wurden überarbeitet.
Vielen Dank!!!

1971 Fender Telecaster lefthand
Better investment than Lehman Bros. stocks! :=)
I wish I had spent my money here!
just on Ebay |
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Julian Michel is looking
for his former Lakland deluxe 5!!!

This Lakland Deluxe 5string bass was
sold in 2004 / 2005 in the area of Munich / Germany.
Julian want to get in touch with the current owner.
So if you are the owner of this Lakland 5, it would be very kind if you get
in touch with Julian: JulianMichel@gmx.de
- Korpus: swamp ash (natur)
- Decke: AAAAA "Killer" quilted maple (natur)
- Hals/Griffbrett: Ahorn/Vogelaugenahorn (Birdseye maple)
- Tonabnehmer: Bartolini Humbucker/Jazz Pickup
Thanking you all!
2009 will be a successfull year with your help and support.

Happy New Year and all the best
in 2009! |
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It is already time again!
I wish you and your families a merry Christmas time

It´s still quiet in the lefty scene
at the end of the year. But behind the curtain I do some preparations for the upcomming
So be curious and keep this website loyal.
Please welcome to Joe
Sheldon / USA! Thanks Joe, for joining the
lefty bassplayer list!
Like every year, lefty bassplayers are confronted with the question:
"And what you wish for Christmas?"
Here are some ideas, I´ve collected in recent years:
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You can think what you want. A lot years before,
as a young guy, I thought that traditions are antiquated. But when I´m getting
older and older, traditions will take more place in my live.
One of this is a tradition which repeats the last years is a Christmas DVD, I´m
watching with a lot of volume with the younger members of my family.
"Christmas Eve" with the Trans-Siberian Orchestra and members of the british
Rockband Savatage. That´s sounds!
Getting curious? If you are, I recommend:
"Christmas Eve in Sarajevo"

How about an original painting
by Horst Denzinger?
.. ..
for more wonderful paintings click
contact: horstdenzinger@t-online.de
... or a handmade tea-chests
bass by Manni

http://www.teekisten-bass.htm |
"The Left-Handed Guitar Players
That Changed Music"
by John Engel
Preis: 275,-- Euro oder 350 USD

This luxurious limited edition weighs in at 19 pounds of thoroughly researched, richly
illustrated stories about these amazing, one-of-a-kind artists and rare instruments.
There is enough depth and detail uncovered to captivate diehard fans, and enough entertaining
story-telling to make it a page-turner for the most casual music listener.
Hardbound, 10• x 14•, 920 pages, this two-volume set features 150 artist
chapters and more than 2,000 photos (many of which have never been seen before).
Infos unter: http://www.uncommon-sound.com
The Fender Reference
by Peter Bertges
Peter is a lefty bassist from Germany and we are in touch for a long time.
But I didn´t know that he is an author and writer of the "The Fender Reference".
His work is a phantastic and complete publishing of Fender guitars and basses. It´s
a book with enormous details and a must for musicians who are intrested in Fender guitars
and basses.
You can get some impressions at http://www.bomots.de/fender/index.htm

Finally a book has arrived on the market that contains all the technical information
on every single electric guitar and bass marketed under the Fender brand. You can consult
this reference whenever you need to find out about a specific technical detail of a
certain Fender instrument or if you would like to know in which way the instrument
was modified or when it was dropped from the production line. The foreword is written
by Thomas Blug, Germany's Stratplayer Nummer One.
A lot of music has been made with the Strat - a great deal actually varying in a lot
of different styles!
The reason for this may lie in the versatility and the multifacetedness of this guitar.
Or is it perhaps because each Strat is different from another?
We live in the 21st century and somehow a guitar which first saw the light of day in
1954, is still one of the most-played models of all the electric guitars of the present.
As for myself, I have been playing this guitar for more than 20 years, and I still
discover new tone colours and musical hues which I can get out of it.
Similarities between Strats are mostly in appearance. Every Strat has its own special
character, which can really be heard if you listen carefully.
The closer you look, the more you'll understand how essential the influence of each
component, which is built into the Strat, is for its sound. I have come to realise
that not only the changing of pick-ups alters the sound - even the material of the
pickguard, where the pick-ups are mounted, makes a noticable difference.
Summing up, this fact results in different sound properties which provide each instrument
with its own character. Even small tolerances during the production process leave their
acoustical traces and help form the quality and character of individual instruments.
Which brings us to a particular phenomenon -one which non-musicians cannot grasp and
which they would most probably shrug off as just being nonsense - the influence of
the instrument on the musician. |
T-Shirts for Lefthand-Bassplayers!!!
Marco, owner of the Company Schoots Webshop told me, that his company is offering a
range of T-shirts for lefthand bassplayers! It's true! In this range you'll find a
top quality T-shirt with the picture of lefthand bassplayer.
I think, that is a really good idea that should find some attention and support.

schoots.shops-24.com |
In Cold Sweat

Tom Wictor is a lefty bassplayer and an author too. Tom has
written a book of musicians and for musicians featuring interviews with bassplayers
like Gene Simmons of Kiss; Peter Hook of Joy Division and New Order; Jerry Casale of
Devo; and Scott Thunes, who is best known for his work with Frank Zappa.
www.thomaswictor.com |
If you like to see the biggest lefthand bassplayer...

Joseph Rauh
Roadside Monster Co
36988 Montezuma Valley Rd
Ranchita, CA 92066 |
...and if you like to see bassplayer TV...

I will be in Viersen at the December 7th,
2008 and would like to meet some lefties there!

IIntrested? Please talk to me at info@leftybass.com
See you later and enjoy the time,

I just got a message from luthier Adrian Maruszczyk
of Maruszczyk Instruments.
You will see this 4 beauties at the European BassDay in Viersen.
We lefties will not forget!
Thanks for your support, Adrian!
Maruszczyk Instruments |
December 9th, 2008
This is a small report from the European Bass Day in Viesen / Germany
Unfortunately, or let me say, as I expected, there were only a hand full of lefties
at this exhibition. But all luthiers and producer of bass guitars were very intrested
in the situation of lefthand bassplayers and promised to support us as much as they
can. We will see what happens!

At first I met two beauties at the exhibition
stand of BassLine.
A lefty BassLine Buster 5string and it´s proud owner Stefanie Weidner.
Rössel Bass

Fritz Rössel (Rössel Bass) is a
German luthier who creates basses for puristic´s. Sadly there was no lefty to
find, but I talked with him for a long time. Fritz promised me to present for each
righthand bass a lefty one at the Musikmesse in Frankfurt in April 2009. I will be
anxious to see that!
Fa. Rössel |
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Ellio Martina Guitars

This is a 7string monster (36 frets!) made
by Fa. Ellio Martina Guitars.
The owner of this unique bass is the Dutch bassplayer
Davy de Wit.
Fa. Ellio Martina Guitars
Maruszczyk Instruments

Like Adrian said before: This is a part of
the lefthand basses, made by luthier Adrian of Maruszczyk Instruments. Ready to check
Next year a here unseen lefty Maruszczyk bass will play a decisive role for all registrated
users of www.leftybass.com!
Be alert!
Maruszczyk Instruments |
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Beside this exhibitors I talked a lot with the luthiers
of Tino Tedesco, Le Fay, KD Basses, Manne und Waja Bass Design and some more. They
all like to aid us lefties.
We will see if this discussions will get fructify.
Stay in touch,