Thank you so much! Dear community, I wanna thank you for all the support and contacts in 2010! It´s a great pleasure for me to get in touch with you and talking about the news of lefty bassplayers and theire instruments. It´s importent for me to wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a happy new year! Stay healthy and keep the contact. Maybe we will have the chance to meet us in person. I would love it! . |
Let us end up this year with new friends from Europe and the USA. So please welcome Updates |
Benoit Poncin is looking for his previous bass! Search bass precision Belgrado Left hand I built this bass by a luthier. I kept it
10 years and to fund a project, I sold it but I don't have contact information for
the person ... if he sells one day, I'd buy it... |
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On the weekend of Nov. 20.-21. 2010 I got a visit from a sympathetic lefty bassplayer! Hubert Döring, maybe someone will know him from the Lefty Bass Day in Duisburg / Germany, was doing a trip in the matter of lefty basses. At first he instantiate a long wish to get a nice fretless bass. So he went to the music shop CMS and picked up a brand new Bassline Buster fretless. So his dream came true. Then Hubert came for a visit into my home for talking about lefty basses over hours and hours. While Hubert was cecking out my basses, I had the chance to pickup his brand new Bassline and this wonderful Warwick Corvette $$ ltd bass. Thanks to Hubert for this nice weekend! Hope to see you once again! |
Hubert Döring and his Bassline Buster fertless... |
and checking out some of my basses. |
Marleaux Consat Signature It goes on! Each of us, who once was allowed the luxury of fulfilling its own ideas and desires built bass can put yourself in my place. It takes a endless time, until you can hold this piece of a dream in your hands! Therefore, Gerald Marleaux send me images of the development phase for this master piece bass. Wow men, I can´t wait to get it! So please, Gerald, forget all the other orders and keep your hands on my Consat Signature! By this way, regards to Clausthal-Zellerfeld, the home of Marleaux Basses! |
Hope to see you very soon! Stay in touch and give me a lot of Christmas presents with your emails and informations from the lefty bassplayer scene! A Merry Christmas to all of you and a happy new year 2011! Yours in music, Arni |
Dear Community! First, I ask for your assistance in the pursuit of two left-handed basses, which were stolen in England! If you notice that the bass are somewhere offered in the intenert or if you know where they are, please send an email to me or Danny! Thank you for your help in advance!
Hi Arni. Contact: danny.billingham[at] contact number is 0044 (0) 7891423543 |
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But there are also good news! We have received further support from all parts of the world. Please welcome This websites are updated: Thanks a lot to all of you! |
In 2000, an Epiphone Limited Edition of the Thunderbirds
left-handed were run for a short time. Where are they? |
Thomas & Georg Martin (GB) The Martin family loves to support lefty double bass players and offers this Die Familie Martin aus England zeigt ebenfalls ein Herz für Lefties und bietet einen "Specially made left handed Concert 3/4 model Double Bass"! Further informations: |
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As you can see on the index site of, a new old lefty bass is in town! I will tell you more about this and more news from the lefty bassplayer scene next update. Stay in touch, Arni |
Sep. 27th, 2010 . |
Hello dear Lefties, In total 50-60 lefthand basses could be admired and tested. Where else something like that could be done? Impressive performances were done by Felicia Uwaje (vocals) and Knut Reiter (Bass). In addition a spontaneous gig of the berlin rockband Moshtec, Peter Masson (vocal) and Chris Brank (bass). During that memorable day Juergen Weiner any myself decided to continue the LeftyBassDays the 17 Sep 2011. Make a note in your schedule. Thanks to all contributors and visitors Click the button |
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So many new friends joined our community! Please check out these websites and say hello to our lety friends: These websites got a new update: Thanks for your friendly support! |
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Arni's lefthand bassist's community is the headline of my website. . The Community joins! |
... . |
When we talk about double basses, here is another emails I got some days before: Dear Arni |
Clausthal-Zellerfeld (Germany) on September 2010 10 years leadtime (… for me)
Gerald Marleaux is building a Consat Signature according to my ideas and wishes. The wood for the top and back I have choosen during a visit in Gerald's studio 23 Sep 2010. It's wood of a basswood tree from Goslar (city of the area "Harz"). Gerald Marleaux got this wook with similar leading time than myself. Special Thanks to Gerald for his big patience
and big experience that will help to create my dream bass. |
Gerald Marleaux |
top wood: I call it "Goslar-Basswood" |
See you later and thanks for your intrest! Arni |
Aug. 13th, 2010 |
Like every summer, it was a bit quiet in the Lefty-scene, but the future will promise a lot of work. However, there are again some news to report: Not only the preparations for the "Second Lefty Bass Day" at the CMS music store in Duisburg / Germany needs a lot of time, but also many (double-) bassplayers are on
tour with the bands. |
Please welcome new friends and left-handed
bassplayers from all over the world! They send me theire informations for a personal
website: Hernán Silvio Merlos / Argentina updated websites: In addition, other Lefties have reported and asked to be included in the lists. Thank you all very much! |
<----- Armin Klopfer brought me my 1973 Gibson LBO lefthand! |
1973 Gibson EBO |
These emails reached me a few days ago:
Teepe from New York is looking for a lefty
double bass to rent or borrow in North Carolina! Hello, |
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Hubert Döring has brought me with his email to an idea! The idea! I am grateful for any help! Okay friends, that´s it for now. If there is something new in the scene, please get in touch with me! Arni |