June 26th, 2010 Help needed!
Chris Jennings from Paris is looking for a double bass to borrow in Japan! He´s on tour in Japan and doing some recordings. So any help is importend! Our travel dates are August 28-September 8
(more concert hopefully will be added) : Thank´s! |
June 12th, 2010 |
I´m proud to present you the second update in June! These lefty bassplayers are responsibly for it. Thanks a lot! Updates: |
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GUITAR & BASSTIVAL 19.06.2010 Prepesent by Adrian Maruszczyk, one of the greatest supporter of www.leftybass.com! Adrian looks forward to welcoming you! |
If you don´t trust your valauta and looking for a valuable asset: Just on Ebay! A 5string Alembic Series II for the few bucks of 12.000 $ (9.900 Euro) |
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I wish exciting four weeks! CU, Arni |
May 29th, 2010 |
Updates: |
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You may have noticed that I was in the past two years, including busy to make the 10th anniversary of our Website for a double CD with left-handed bassist from different countries. The result is now available and can be ordered directly from me if interested. |
Colin Clowes had made a dream come true! A very special handmade lefty bass:
JOHN ENTWHISLE DRAGON WING BASS Built by Pete Jackson, Macclesfield / England |
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The preparations for the second Lefty Bass Day run and I would ask you, for a big a big cross in your schedule: 09/28/2010!! Hope to see you there! |
New Star on the horrizon! Basses for Lefties! |
May 25th, 2010 |
I´m sorry to inform you about the death of lefthand bassplayer Paul Gray (Slipknot). He died on May 24th, 2010. 1972-2010 |
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May 2nd, 2010 I´m back home from London. I met two wonderful lefty bassplayers! I´ll report asap! Thank´s, Arni |
26.04.2010 Just before the departure to London I like to present you this small update: I´m grateful for the support of for joining our community with informations about themself. Thank you very much! has given me his latest informations. Thank´s to you, Armin. I´m looking forward to our trip to the British capital, especially as I will meet lefty bassplayers there. Two dates have been announced. One of them is in the 50 Old Park Lane Saturday, May 1st. 2010, 8:00 pm. Should you be around in the area, I would be thrilled for a "hello" and look forward for a little small talk. (Please understand that I can not answer any emails during that time.) I will report later. Cu, Arni |
April 04th, 2010 Lots of things happened since the last update. What, i will tell you now. First many thanks for the friendly support to Thanks a lot! |
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Bad times for Leftys at the Music Fair 2010 in Franfurt. It would have been a desaster if there have not been some companies that care for Leftys. Highlights were Rössel, Sandberg, Elrck, Bacchus and Maruszczyk. |
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I talked to Adrian Maruszczyk on the fair and told him about my disappointment. Adrian explained that he has about 20 different kind of lefthand basses with variale setups in his warehouse. For anyone who is interested: Adrian Maruszczyk is available on |
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A visit at Marleaux Basses. Come on and see the place of birth of wonderful handmade basses! |
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The website of my Band "Mixed Society" has a new layout. We are a Bluesrock-Band with a healthy lefthand share (Guitar and Bass). We are looking forward for your visit. Have fun and hope to hear from you soon Arni |
March 17th, 2010 New "Wanted" list and new Guestbook!
I hope for the future, an equally strong acceptance and look forward to your messages. See you soon, |
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March 11th,2010 Dear Bassplayers! In today's update is a cry for help again, at this time from the U.S.A.! Hopefully the community can help! But first I like to introduce new members! Thank you very much to... |
Bayu Djody Gondokusumo / Indonesia and for updates |
Cry for help! Like Assaf Akimi is comming for a gig to Belgium, Jennifer Leitham is also comming Europe for a gig to the Bohém Fesztivál in Hungary. She´s a double bassplayer as well and looking for bass to lent. So if the Community can help, we were more than glad!
I'm coming over to Europe to play at the Bohém
Fesztivál in Hungary the last weekend in March. I'm planning on bringing my
EUB but was wondering if you might know of anyone in the vicinity who would rent a
left handed string bass? Hope we are able to help Jennifer! If you have any proposals, please get in touch with Jennifer Leitham at:www.jenniferleitham.com or Facebook. |
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As you know, Horst Denziger (Germany) is a wellkonwn artist for paintings. His area of expertise is music and musicians. Horst is pleased about a visit to his newly created website: |
Musikmesse Frankfurt / Germany March 24-27, 2010 I will be there on Friday the 26th and hope to meet some friends and to find lefthand bassgiutars! If I find them , I will let you know! |
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That´s it for now. Oh yeah, there is still something! I will stay in London / UK April 30 and May 1st, 2010. I would like to meet some lefties there. f you are intrested, please let me know! Stay in touch, Arni |
09th Feb, 2010 Hi Lefties! Here are two email I want to present you asap. Stay in touch, Arni |
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Hi Arni,
Jesper |
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Hi Arni |
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27th Jan., 2010 It´s stormy and cold outside! We have a lot of snow here and the rehearsal was canceld! So what´s better than to pick up the bass and / or write a new update for you?! Hi lefties! I just want to inform you of all activities last weeks. I´m glad to welcome the new members of your community: Michael Bernicker / Deutschland Richard Welschhoff / Deutschland New informations are available from You see, Europe is growing up! Thanks a lot! But where are our friends from the other continents? .
Assaf Akimi from Al Aviv / Israel will come for a gig to Brussels / Belgium on April 29th! Assaf is a lefty upright bass player. I´m sure you know him. It costs a lot of money to travel with an upright bass by airplane. So he like to ask our community for help. Do anybody knows where a lefthand upright bass is for rent in Brussels? We will be thankfull for any informations and help! Please get in touch with Assaf directly or send me an email. Thanks a for any help! Have a great time and hope to talk to you soon! Arni . |