Nov. 20, 2009


Nov. 08, 2009

Dear lefties,

a lot of things had be done in summer, so it´s time to use the fall for rehabilitation!

I got many emails since the 1. Lefty Bass Day in September, asking for a recapitulation of this event. In fact, Jürgen of CMS and I will do the

2. Lefty Bass Day on Sep. 18th. 2010

in Duisburg / Germany.

So mark this day with a big cross in your calender. For some suggestions or ideas I'd be very happy.

Okay, many lefty bassists have discovered our new page and sent their information. My thanks goes to:

Ray Woolley / Australia

Gergely Drapos / Hungary

Geoffrey Mornard / Belgium

Richard Welschhoff / Germany

Roger Gradt / Germany

Marco Desgagné / Canada

Bartosz Budzynski / Poland

Josué Martinez / Spain

Arjaan Martini / Netherlands

And a lot of updates are done for the following websites:

Tom D´Angelo / USA

Michael Kutsch / Germany

Björn Swedin / Sweden

Peter Paul van Kouteren / Netherlands

Sam Manise / Belgium

J. P. Fortin / Canada

Leander Grooten / Netherlands

Paul Di Leo / USA

Yves Carbonne / USA

Thank you very much!


Most of the bassplayers play guitar as well.

With an incredible meticulousness Zade Sven has created a website for left-handed guitarist who has an unprecedented database of available left-handed guitars. So much effort deserves attention!

CU in Viersen!




Wal is back!!!

A perfect sensation!



Peter McCulloch / USA wrote for the users of

I'm writing to you because I have some news you might want to share on your site. Gaskell Guitars, an Australian guitar company that ONLY makes lefty guitars, has officially released their left handed Gibson Explorer-style bass called the X-Bass. I received mine last week and wrote a full review of it on Harmony Central. It's a Chinese made bass, but the quality is better than any of the Epiphone basses I've tried. I attached a picture of mine (Yes, there's my bass in the picture being tenderly cared for by that Aussie beauty, LOL). For more info, check out:

Speaking of which, here's some more lefty news for you that you might want to mention. A company called Industrial Radio is producing a new Midi Bass and taking orders now. The best part: They will make lefties too! These basses are not cheap, but it is one of my dream basses, since I play synth parts with my Carvin GK-equipped bass in a cover band I work with.

The company was founded by Steve Chick, who developed the midi tracking technology found in Peavey's Midi Bass and Cyber Bass intruments. It's really the only technology that tracks low bass notes well, as the Roland GK and Axon equipment has a lot of latency on any note lower than open A.

That´s it for now. A lot of duties and responsibilities are waiting, to keep this website up to date.

Hope to hear from you soon and stay in touch,

Arni ---------------------------- Arni`s Lefthand Bassplayer Community ---------------------------- News from the world of lefthanded bassplayers---------------------------- This website needs your support---------------------------- Email:

Sep. 21, 2009


September 2009

Times go by and so there are only a few days before the 1st Lefty Bass Day will start. I wonna thank Fa. CMS MUSIC EQUIPMENT for all the perfect support for this event!

Now it´s our turn to make this day a success. I hope to see you there!

Our community of lefty bassplayers is growing up. Since the last update, these gentleman send me their informations:

Axel Adickes / Germany

Stefan Nitschmann / Germany

Marco Antonio Ricci / Italy

Oskar Rozsa / Slovakia

New informations are available from

Jean Van Holder / Belgium

Ziggy Bokalders / USA

Philipp Natterer / Germany

Thank´s to you all!

Colin Cloves is the lucky owner of wonderful bass. It´s a "John Paul Johnes" made by NS Custom Guitars (England).

Congratulation to Colin for his unique bass.


I don´t know if you have ever seen a test report about a lefty bass. Maybe you can clarify me.

However, the German Bass Magazin "BassQuarterly" supports lefty bassplayers as such as they can and asked for a test report of the Waja Telio SW (5strig). I got this bass here at home for some weeks to ceck it up.

You will find this test report in the latest issure of BassQuarterly (4/2009)

Who does not want to trust on my opinion, the original Waja Telio SW is to see on the Lefty Bass Day!

Waja Telio SW made by Waja Bass

ee you later and hopefully in person!

Arni ---------------------------- Arni`s Lefthand Bassplayer Community ---------------------------- News from the world of lefthanded bassplayers---------------------------- This website needs your support---------------------------- Email:

July 25th 2009

I´m glad to present you this new update. It´s vacation time and some of you are not to reach. But since to last update I got nice contacts and informations. I hope you enjoy it.

Please say hello to new members of our lefty website:

Alon Goldshuv / Israel
Ed Kaszuba / Canada
Roby Salvini / Italy
Michael Skorjanec / England
Jozef "Yogi" Graus / Slowakia
Diego Cimarosti / Italy

Thank´s a lot!!! We are glad to meet you!



As I prommised you, here are my reports of my last meetings in Germany. Enjoy it!


...Börjes Bass and Guitar Design

A meeting with

Jimmy Haslip (MARTa / Herford / Germany)


Schwalbe Competition Lefthand

Wolfgang Schwalbe (German luthier) has build a wonderful lefthand Competition 5string bass.

For further informations please take a look at

SX Akustikbass JBG30E Lefthand

Baris Kiratly from Turkey asked me to post this intresting offer of a small and limited run of a SX acoustic bass. To make this come true, 6 orders are needed.

I can't play 32'' scale. Because I normally play 35'' you know. Warwick Alien bass looks great but it's 32''.

In istanbul there is a shop named ''Senkop Muzik''
By the time we got friends each other. There is an SX acoustic bass heren(JBG30E). It's scale is 34'' and costs 650 USD.
If they order as a lefty they have to order minimum 6 lefty bass. And it's really good bass I loved it. Of course I can't buy all of them. I'm looking lefty bass players who interested in it. Maybe you can interested in it or we can try to sell in your site. But I must say shipping charge probably increase the price of this bass.
It comes to Turkey with a ship including 1000-1500 instruments.That's why shipping charge is too low to me.

So if you like to get a lefthand SX acoustic bass, please get in touch with

Baris Kiratli <>



Since the german music magazine BassQuaterly started in 2008, they spend space for lefthanded bassplayers. With beginning of the 5/2008 issure I was aked to write articles for it.

This reports are about lefty basses of my collection and the stories about them. BassQaurterly was so kind to give me their alloance to present you this reviews from the latest issues.


Issue 5/2008

Rickenbacker 4003 fireglow



Issue 1/2009

Gibson EB-0



Issue 2/2009

Hamer Chaparral B12L



Issue 3/2009

Alembic Essence 5-String


For the first time you will find a test report of a lefty handmade bass in the upcomming issure, which will be available on 03. September 2009. Be curios!


1. Lefty Bass Day

On Sep. 19th 2009 I will have a party of history at the musicshop CMS in Duisburg / Germany and I hope to get your all intrest.
For myself, I´m very curios about it and exiting. So please do me a favour and let me know, who like to give me the honour of a meeting this day.

Please send this email back to me, only for my information. If you bring your personal bass along, please let me know, I would love to know what kind of bass it is.

If you like, I will post a list of all private lefty basses they are to see this day.

Beside your personal basses, you will have the chance to check out lefty basses of this luthiers:
Clover, Sandberg, Waja, Hohner, Rössel, Börjes, Marleaux, Phantom, and the stock of CMS lefty basses.

The german music magazin´s Gitarre & Bass, BassQuarterly and BassProfessor will be there as well and wishes to meet many lefthanded bassplayers.

I wonna thank you for all kind of support on this day. It´s a great advanture for me and I would love to meet you in person this day. Can´t wait to talk to new friends and to see "old" friends again. Maybe you feel in the same way.

Please excuse my english.


. ---------------------------- Arni`s Lefthand Bassplayer Community ---------------------------- News from the world of lefthanded bassplayers---------------------------- This website needs your support---------------------------- Email:


Concerning myself! Or maybe not?

Dear friends!

For the past 10 years I buy now left handed basses on the Internet. So far no problems.

But what I have been experiencing for a few months has disappointed me and makes me angry!

Either the proceedings for a bass stop for no recognizable reason and the seller is no longer reachable via email, or even more frustrating, they don´t want to ship the bass to Germany!

But the worst thing of all is that we will agree on trade, I send the money and nothing happens! Before I will make a report I want to ask you for help!

This bass has been offered to me from Italy:

Yamaha TRB 5 II L

Here is my question to you:

Was this bass sold back in times to Italy? If yes, to whom?

The seller used advantage of the following email address: Lele <>


What´s your experiences with those deals? Please let me know and use this forum:



I´m sorry to tell you

Wayman Tisdale

passed away

on May, 15th 2009 after a long battle with cancer.


I met Jimmy Haslip and the Jellowjackets on May 24th 2009.

He was a friend of Wayman Tisdale for a long time.

A report of this meeting will follow soon!


Wellknown basses from Germany!

I met luthier Ralf Börjes in May 2009. A report will follow soon!


May 2009

It´s me again!

This is the second update for this month! The reason for it are the informations I got past few days:

1. Philippe Ciron / France and Christian Hirschauer / Germany have joind our website with detail informations! Thank´s! Check it out!

2. Now it´s there! An informative website for "Vester" guitars and basses:! Gerrit needs support of all "Vester" owners, so please get in touch with him!

3. CMS is working hart for the 1. Lefty Bass Day! The first results will go online very soon! Be curious!

4. I met a wonderful bassplayer and good friend! Nick Douglas, bassist (Doro Pesch) and a lefty of course!

Nick Douglas and Doro Pesch

Enjoy it and have a great time!



May 2009
The preparations for the „1st Lefty Bass Day“ on 19th Sep 2009 in the Musikhaus „CMS“ in Duisburg are well on their way and are taking shape. On 1st May there were for further talks about the event with Jürgen Weidner in Duisburg. You will report about the developments in the “Forum•. Here are my impressions.

First of all I would like to welcome new registered lefthand-bassplayers with you:

Turlough Moore / Ireland

Frederick Peeters / Belgium

Adolf-Cristian Vegh / Romania

Adrian Biggs / England

Carlo Lambertini / Spain

Josef Trestl / Germany

Vesa Makkonen / Finland

Anthony "T-Bone" McEwan / USA

Hamish Edward Gordon / Scotland

These websites got an update:

Philipp Natterer / Germany

Almir Neri / Brazil

Ingi Ingason /Iceland

Thank you all very much!

As I learned at my visit to „Schwalbe Bass“, there are still lefthand-bassplayers, that haven’t contacted me yet

Dear Colleques, contact me, please! We can only reach our aims, when we stand together strong. That’s why we need your support.

CMS-Guitars present the Dead Butler 4-String lefty (5 strings are available as well)

Schwalbe Bass / Germany

On 19th April 2009 I went to Herford, to meet the luthier Wolfgang Schwabe due to the opening of his new workshop. You will find a report on the opening in “
Meetings• or directly here.

The companies
Regenerate Guitar Works (USA),

Tino Tedesco (Switzerland)

and Gaskell Guitars (Australia)

contacted me to let me knoow, that they also build handmade lefthand-bassguitars without extra charge. I visit to their websites is well worth while.

That´s for now. Stay in touch,
Arni ---------------------------- Arni`s Lefthand Bassplayer Community ---------------------------- News from the world of lefthanded bassplayers---------------------------- This website needs your support---------------------------- Email:

April 2009


March 2009
Dear friends,
if somebody would've asked me a year ago, what kind of highlights there would be for lefthandbassplayers in 2009, I would've told them the following with pride:
"Arnis Lefthand Bassplayer Community" is celebrating it's 10th anniversary.
But I would never have dreamt, that things would develop like they have in this jubilee year.

What happened:

1. Due to generous donations the Jubilee-celebrations can take place in style and the chances for the contestants on a winning have multiplyd.

Win a lefty bass guitar and other wonderful things!

2. Stefan Fulde, Chief Editor of "Bass Quarterly", has given me the opportunity, to publish an article about lefthandbassplayer in every issue.

3. The Musicshop "CMS" in Duisburg will host the probably first LeftyBassDay ever in cooperation with "Arnis Lefthand Bassplayer Community"

You see: 2009 is our year!

That our website is still receiving support and recognition even after years of existance is made clear by the following new members of your community:

Leander Grooten / Netherlands

Tobi Wettstein / Germany

Ingi Ingason /Iceland

Alexander Degraf / Germany

Raimond Ulrich / Germany

Denis Kolmer / France

Michel Gilles / Belgium

Sylvain Bolduc / Canada

Lennard Franken / Netherlands

Following website got an update: Paul Simpson / England and Alexander Rass / Germany

I would like to thank you all very much!

Mike Bub from New York City let me know, that the company ESP, is launging the first lefthand-bass-modell (F-104).

On the 02nd April 2009 I will be visiting the "Frankfurter Musikmesse" (Music Exibition in Frankfurt) and I will be keeping a look out for all kinds of new developments. I will report later.

Till then: Take care!

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